Legal Description:
NESW Section 32, Township 15 South, Range 18 West, Ouachita County, Arkansas. Being 40.00 acres, more or less. This property is located approximately five miles east of Stephens, Arkansas and is accessible by an improved logging road. The tract is supporting a well stocked stand of merchantable pine ready for a selective thinning. The property also provides excellent recreational opportunities. Estimated Timber Volumes: Pine Sawtimber 1,192 Tons Pine Chip-n-Saw 572 Tons Pine Pulpwood 547 Tons Hardwood Pulpwood 594 Tons |
Part of the SWSE Section 20; N1/2 NWNE Section 29; all in Township 17 South, Range 19 West, Columbia County, Arkansas. Being 55 acres, more or less. This property is located approximately eight miles east of Magnolia and is accessible by a deeded easement from a paved county road. The property is supporting a mixed stand of pine and hardwood timber and it also has a small pond. The property would provide an excellent site for a residence and offers excellent hunting opportunities. |
The Silvicraft Elliott property is located approximately two miles west of Elliott and is accessible via logging road from the east off of Ouachita County Road 53. All merchantable timber was harvested from this property in 2023 followed by site preparative aerial herbicide application in 2024. The tract will be planted with loblolly pine seedlings in the first quarter of 2025.
The Silvicraft Village tract is located within the Village, Arkansas city limits and is accessible via County Road 493 and by County Road 36 (Old ElDorado Highway). Following the harvest of all merchantable timber in 2023 an aerial herbicide was applied to the property followed by planting with improved loblolly pine seedlings with excellent survival. Electricity and water are available to establish a residence if desired.
Physical Address:
106 East Columbia Street Magnolia, AR 71753 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 458 Magnolia, AR 71754-0458 |